June 10, 2008

Killer Combo 2-3

So today is that what-else-can-go-wrong day. I put on sweat pants and stretch and such, and I'm ready for another intense day of interval training. Instead I find out it's raining (again) and am forced to change back into jeans, and skip that. I get on the bike after pumping up the tires a bit, and all of that. I make it to 7 Eleven and my bikechain mysteriously snaps in half. Not like the link falls out, but a link is broken in half. Guess it was pretty rusty and stuff, now I have to go pick up a new one.

So I walk back home with the bike, and that's surely not enough cardio but whatever. Shit happens. I get ready for some pushups, and when I get to about my fifth one, I collapse in pain. There's some awesome burning sensation in whatever that muscle is between my neck and right shoulder, you know, the ones you would squeeze on peoples unsuspecting necks and make them experience horrible pain. Well it's like that happened to me, but the pain is kinda not going away. So today is the day of shit. Nothing happens today, just going to watch what I eat, and attempt to stay up.


Diet for Today
Protein Shake
Chocolate Milk
Chicken Sandwich
Chili w/ Crackers

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