June 15, 2008

Feel Good 3-1

195 lbs.

So Rick spent the night once again today, so I won't be doing anything excercise wise, other than hours of walking like yesterday probably. For sure I'll start back up tomorrow though, with intervals and some bodyweight training.

Despite that being a slack week, I still lost three pounds. I find that exceptionally dope (excuse my ghetto) and I account it to those three days of interval training. I've found that I can still live a little and eat some foods that I like, a couple times a week, as long as I do it in moderation.

When I get my check from the government, I'm going to pick up some rollerblades for sure, even more important since I don't have a bike. DDR also, for those indoor aerobic-like activities on days like today. Where I didn't get up before the heat. It's just good to mix it up. I'll ask Rick about the bike again, since I do need one still...if not I may have to pony up some more money from somewhere and buy another one. Rick is currently sleeping on the floor in my room (as usual), and it's almost 1 pm. I don't want to get back into this habit, so I'll probably make sure he goes home today. Maybe I can physically take him home and pick up the bike, I'm not sure. I was sweating, that's why I woke up. Hate sweating when you're sleeping, so uncomfortable.

Probably wash some clothes today, watch what I eat and all. and begin SUPER interval training starting Monday, and going as long as I can baby. More than three days a week probably, since I have no other cardio means at the moment. Wish I had a tredmill, or a stationary bike. Oh well.

That's a pretty hearty update if I do say so myself, I'll let you know a little of what I ate later today. Peace out, keep the faith.

Diet for Today
Honey Bun
Candy Bar

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