September 10, 2008

Week 6-3

12:30 am
So I attempted another mile run this morning, but a couple things kept me from actually completing it. The wind was piercing and cold, which severely winded me. I was wearing full street clothing, including a wallet w/ chain, keys, big metal belt, hoodie, ipod and headphones. My muscles were still really sore from yesterday. But yeah. Totally made it almost half way, and then just turned it into interval training.

Ran for two minutes at a time, walked for one. Did that all the way up to 7 Eleven, then walked back. It wasn't a complete failure I suppose, but I'm sort of bummed at how it all turned out. I slept afterwards. And Now my whole body is sore, I may forgo working out altogether today. Just R&R for me. Talk to you tomorrow.

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